Dorothy 21-D-3 FPE
After reading about many issues of Transvestia and discovering just how very much Dorothy acts, thinks and feels like the wonderful girls who have contributed so generously to TVia, I have decided not too reluctantly to offer some thought from an inexperienced but enthus- iastic Dorothy... en femme too.
I received a short letter from an obviously young sister in Canada. She writes that being two people at once is not easy and wants to discuss the problem. In hopes of being helpful I wrote her about some impor- tant decisions I had made in the last 6 months that have made me feel that serenity and happiness are good possibilities. The major one in- volves the complete acceptance of Dorothy and of letting her come forth as she will. And she wants to very very often. The other decision involved seeking the understanding of my FP life by the right people with whom I can talk about Dorothy. It is these kinds of people who can convey the correct interpretation to others and thereby at least promote a better public image of the FP. My doctor, lawyer, and minister are extremely understanding and agree that Dorothy plays a contributary role in my life... that she is helpful to Bill who teaches at a girls' college and has to have a keen knowledge and understanding of how women think and express themselves. Bill knows that his students like him and often wonders what they would think of Dorothy. Bill teaches that every- one has masculine and feminine sides in their nature and that a good balance in their expression of these sides best leads to personality devel- opment and better understanding of others. Bill tries to bring in examples of where men have utilized their feminine sides and where women have utilized their masculine sides. Who knows perhaps Bill will turn out some good understanding GG's. Teaching like this represents an opportunity to discuss the subject of male-female with other teachers and to, in doing so, discover how receptive they might possibly be to the subject of FPia.